Reason Why Most Couples Should Seek Marriage Counseling
Success rate of most marriages is on the decline with an estimated 50% of first marriages ending in divorce. This percentage has remained that way for the past thirty years. Divorce happens when the partners find no reason to continue with the union, staying together is no longer a good option. However divorce is hard especially for the kids. This is why most people say divorce is like death. It has negative effects like denial, anger, guilt and feeling abandoned. Marriage counseling is important after all before getting a divorce it is advisable to exhaust every available option. Below are good reasons to seek marriage counseling.
First, you need to know that marriage counselors are trained professionals who are graduates from recognized institutions. It is important to ensure the counselor is certified. This will prove that they have the necessary skills and experience in handling marriage problems. They are aware of every marital problem and offer solutions wherever necessary. Whenever there is conflict between couples it becomes very hard to communicate. A marriage counselor will be a bridge to express what is wrong in the relationship. This is the reason why couples are mostly advised to seek individual and couple counseling. With involvement of a third party you can express your feelings without fear of being judged or being misunderstood.
In addition, couples are able to be well aware of what triggers arguments and how to avoid future misunderstandings. Most couples usually wait until their marriage is on the verge of breaking up to seek counseling. Marriage counseling is the perfect place to vent out your frustrations. Holding on to emotional anger is not good for your well being. The services of a marriage counselor are not expensive as most people tend to think. You can always work out a payment plan. After all, you cannot compare your marriage with money; saving it should be a top priority. Many couples have children; they need a peaceful environment to develop a positive attitude towards life. Instead of making fights and arguments a regular scene, seek marriage counseling to ensure you bring up your children in a comfortable home.
Lastly, it is important to know that not all marriages can be salvaged. At times it is healthier if the couples are apart. At times marriage counseling fails especially if there is domestic violence involved. You will be more comfortable saying you tried all you could before filing for divorce.